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Bill 66 proposes hours of work and overtime amendments to the Ontario Employment Standards Act 2000 By Richard J. The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter.

Bill 66 Changes Is Less Pay For Overtime An Accurate Headline Employment And Hr Canada

Bill 66 which was passed Tuesday at Queens Park lightens regulations around a practice called overtime averaging in a way that has significant.

Bill 66 overtime. Under Bill 66 employers will have expanded use of these agreements and will be able to average workers hours over the course of a month rather than two weeks resulting in less overtime pay. Bill 66 proposed two changes regarding overtime-averaging. Debate on the Bill will not begin until February 19 2019 but given the substantial PC majority in the House it is likely that some version of the Bill will receive Royal Assent in the spring of 2019.

Bill 66 Restoring Ontarios Competitiveness Act 2018 was introduced in the legislature Dec. However note that employees still have to agree in writing to work excess hours or to have their working hours averaged over up to four weeks for the purpose of calculating overtime entitlements. Bill 66 which was passed Tuesday at Queens Park lightens regulations around a practice called overtime averaging in a way that has significant.

Home Articles Bill 66 New Poster and Overtime Rules. T The rate of overtime pay is 15 times the employees regular hourly wage rate. 6 seeking to make changes to a variety of acts in an effort to cut business costs harmonize regulatory requirements and end duplication according to the provinces economic development minister Todd.

With the month-long averaging agreements that Bill 66 allows they would get just four hours of overtime pay. Whereas Bill 66 contemplates that overtime be averaged over a period of not more than four weeks. Prior to the enactment of Bill 66 Restoring Ontarios Competitiveness Act 2019 which received royal assent on April 3 2019 in order to put an Overtime Averaging Agreement into place an Ontario employer had to follow a two-step process.

Nixon on December 7 2018 Posted in Employment Law On December 6 2018 the Ontario Conservative Government introduced the Restoring Ontarios Competitiveness Act 2018 Bill 66. A workweek is any recurring period of seven consecutive days selected by the employer for the purpose of scheduling work. Prior to the coming into force of Bill 66 that period of time was not limited.

Whereas Bill 66 contemplates that overtime be averaged over a period of not more than four weeks. We provided a detailed explanation of Bill 66s amendments when it was introduced in December 2018. First the employer had to enter into a written Overtime Averaging Agreement with its employees.

The Ontario government has ushered in further employer-friendly amendments to workplace laws with the passing of Bill 66 Restoring Ontarios Competitiveness Act 2018 which received Royal Assent on April 3 2019. Now however the overtime-averaging period must not exceed four weeks. Overtime Averaging Agreements Similarly under the pre-Bill 66 language an employer and employee could enter into an agreement to average an employees hours over a period of weeks for purposes of calculating entitlement to overtime but only with the approval of the Director.

Bill 66 made changes to a number of statutes. Bill 66 is Now Law New Rules for Overtime Averaging Excess Hours By Amanda D. The changes to the ESA have removed barriers to employers entering into excess hours of work and overtime averaging agreements with their employees.

Proposed changes to the Employment Standards Act 2000 the. Presently the period used for determining the average is not limited. Last week the Ford Government tabled the Restoring Ontarios Competitiveness Act 2018 more commonly known as Bill 66.

Bill 66 proposed two changes regarding overtime-averaging. On April 3 2019 Bill 66 Restoring Ontarios Competitiveness Act 2019 Bill 66 received Royal Assent and is now law. Bill 66 New Poster and Overtime Rules.

Boyce The Ontario government has ushered in further employer-friendly amendments to workplace laws with the passing of Bill 66 Restoring Ontarios Competitiveness Act 2018 which received Royal Assent on April 3 2019. Evelyn Perez Youssoufian April 10 2019. Now that Bill 66 has received Royal Assent those approvals are no longer required.

Bill 66 Restoring Ontarios Competitiveness Act 2019 received Royal Assent the process by which a bill becomes an act of Parliament and part of the law of Canada on April 3 2019. Employees must be paid overtime pay for each hour worked in excess of 44 hours in a given workweek. Time-and-a-half pay in Ontario is usually mandatory when employees work more than 44 hours a week unless an overtime-averaging agreement in place.

Presently the period used for determining the average is not limited. If you have any questions about Bill 66 changes or would like assistance in implementing excess hours or overtime averaging agreements in your workplace please contact any member of Siskinds Labour Employment Group. For example an employee who works 30 hours in weeks one and two and 60 hours in weeks three and four would normally be entitled to 32 hours of overtime pay that month.

Overtime-averaging agreements allow overtime pay entitlements to be determined by using an average of an employees work hours over a specific period.

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