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The idiom tongue-in-cheek is used to imply that something is slyly humorous ironic jocular and intend to be understood as a joke but with an act of being serious. Imagine that someone is having a party.

Tongue In Cheek Means Insincere Ironic Or Joking Example Ann Made A Tongue In Cheek Remark To John And He Got English Idioms English Vocabulary Idioms

With tongue in cheek Humorous or intended as a joke though seeming or appearing to be serious.

What is tongue in cheek. Tongue in cheek to joke with a neutral or serious face When someone is trying not to laugh he will often bite his lip or tongue. Tongue in cheek is the antithesis of the later phrase - with a straight face. COMMON If a remark or piece of writing is tongue in cheek it is meant to be funny and is not meant to be taken seriously.

At one time putting your tongue in your cheek could also be a gesture of contempt but that shade of meaning has disappeared from the modern idiom. Tongue in cheek humor may be ironic or facetious or it may. Nonetheless beware of jackasses trying to use it as an out-of-jail card sometimes when they fuck up and say some stupid they really meant.

Tongue-in-cheek - cleverly amusing in tone. I thought it was obvious that my comments were tongue in cheek but I guess I delivered them with too much of a straight face because it seems like I offended several people at the party. With tongue in cheek speaking or writing in an ironic or insincere way.

Tongue-in-cheek is a term used to refer to humor in which a statement is not meant to be taken seriously but its lack of seriousness is subtle. If you say something tongue in cheek you intend it to be understood as a joke although you. The term first appeared in print in The Fair Maid of Perth by that inveterate coiner of phrases Sir Walter Scott 1828.

The tone or the context of the statement may make it to be taken seriously by the listener. In a humorous vein. The figurative idiom tongue-in-cheek means meant or expressed ironically or facetiously.

This expression originated in the fuller form putor thrust your tongue in your cheek meaning speak insincerely. How to use tongue-in-cheek in a sentence. The expression has origins in 18th-century England and it originally referred to a common facial expression used to express contempt.

Tongue in cheek definition. The zombie movie very much with tongue in cheek gives a clever criticism of American consumerism. Also with your tongue in your cheek If you say something tongue in cheek you intend it to be understood as a joke although you might appear to be serious.

The fellow who gave this all-hail thrust his tongue in his cheek to some scapegraces like himself. Humorous humourous - full of or characterized by humor. Tongue in Cheek Origin.

The definition of tongue-in-cheek refers to something said sarcastically or in jest. What does TONGUE-IN-CHEEK mean. Something is tongue in cheek is generally meant to be amusing but not necessarily funny.

An example of something that would be described as tongue-in-cheek is a sarcastic joke that pokes fun at someone in a. I think people are taking all this more seriously than we intended. TONGUE-IN-CHEEK meaning - TONGUE-IN-CHEEK definition - TONGU.

Since then the contempt-related connotations have mostly disappeared along with the facial expression as. His tongue is still tucked firmly in his cheek The trouble with me is most of the things I say are tongue in cheek very flippant The topic was chosen to some extent with tongue in cheek not least because neither I nor my audience would be around in 800 years to verify the accuracy of my predictions. So when something is said tongue in cheek it means that we didnt mean those words seriously but as a joke.

He said that he was a huge fan of the president although I suspect it was tongue in. Hyphenated as tongue-in-cheek if used before a noun. Tongue-in-cheek definition is - characterized by insincerity irony or whimsical exaggeration.

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