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What does wide-range mean. Similar contexts are found in.

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The South African-born contralto Sybil Michelow who has died aged 87 sang a wide range of works at the core of which was the oratorio repertoire from Handel to Elgar.

Wide range of. COVID-19 has a wide range of symptoms. Since Investment s plural is now the closest noun to the verb I believe are is correct. The coalition letter signed by groups including the Internet Association the Telecommunications Industry Association and the Information Technology Industry Council is the first time a wide range of technology trade organizations have staked out a common platform during a presidential campaign according to a person familiar with the initiative.

Synonyms for Wide Range Of other words and phrases for Wide Range Of. However this time pause after the use of new vocabulary and check on class understanding. Use a wide range of adjectives including some of the vocabulary used in the activity below.

Hierin wordt een breed scala aan maatregelen beschreven die erop gericht zijn. A river can be broad or wide. Large area gran parte nf nombre femenino.

Factory automation FA systems cooling and heating systems building systems and electronics. How to use wide-ranging in a sentence. A wide range of effective mature and affordable technological solutions to enhance energy efficiency exist Giga-fren However the province continues to deliver a wide range of services in English including a comprehensive educational system.

Wide-ranging definition is - extensive in scope. Wide range n noun. Another way to say Wide Range Of Options.

A miscellaneous collection of things or people. Wide range of products translation in English - English Reverso dictionary see also -widewide awakewide boywide awake examples definition conjugation. La mesa una tabla.

A wide range of investments are available to the public. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Investment is the singular noun closest to the verb and range is the subject.

383 other words - similar meaning. Agencies seek wide range of views on financial institutions use of artificial intelligence. Information and translations of wide-range in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

The two words are synonyms. A Wide Range of Business Domains Since its foundation in 1947 the Ryoden Group has grown on the strength of four core businesses. Refers to person place thing quality etc.

Skip directly to site content Skip directly to page options Skip directly to A-Z link. Synonyms for Wide range of. Synonyms for Wide Range Of Options other words and phrases for Wide Range Of Options.

In your particular sentence wide range is more commonly used. It outlines a wide range of measures to reduce the current high youth unemployment. A wide range of investment is available to the public.

The Self-Checker is a guide to help make decisions on when to seek testing and appropriate medical care. Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino que lleva los artículos la o una en singular y las o unas en plural. Wide range seems more natural.

Therefore is is correct. Wide range at least hundreds of hits. Repeat some of the stories or tell some more.

A Web search for broad range turns up nothing useful. March 29 2021. A wide range of peoplethings A wide range means a lot of things that are different from each other.

joseph and his brothers in the bible

What is the story of Joseph and his brothers? . One day, Joseph traveled to check on his brothers while they were watching their sheep...